Who the hell am I??!!

Posted on July 13, 2009 by london bridges.
Categories: Uncategorized.

Cabrini Fears. Yes, unfortunately that is my name. I live in a small town called Pleasant Grove, which is ironic because, quite plainly, it sucks. But I digress. I’m probably what you would call the quintessential “journalist prototype.” I’m a phoenomenal writer with a charmingly sardonic wit and a tendency to push the proverbial envelope when it comes to societal rules and comfort zones. I’m a bit unconventional, ok, I lied, I’m very unconventional. I’m practically the political left-wing fantasy, so to speak. Yet beneath that laissez faire persona, lurks a hardcore rule freak. If I were a blow pop, I’d have a “Keith Olbermann” shell with an “Ann Coulter” center, and of course, a so stereotypically “watermelon” flavor. (There’s no hidden nugget of political symbolism there, it’s just my favorite flavor). I believe that people should have the right to make their own life decisions and express their individuality without the interference of empathy-deficient people. I also believe that as a whole society should effectuate their obligations and commit to excellence in all endeavors. I believe that in the world of employment and commerce, dignified diligence is paramount. But ok, enough of that idealistic rhetoric crap. I’m currently having a blog party with my suite-mates Hayley and Jess. I’m pretty normal on the surface…I had to say that, because I know some of you, out there are thinking that im a pompous, pretentious, weirdo who just uses big words to seem “smart.” But I’m really like this.  I have reason to be. It’s the life I lead… So don’t judge me.  Because you don’t know my life, and if you did, you would pray for me. I sometimes think God specifically created my life as an ode to satire…