famous last words

Posted on July 16, 2009 by london bridges.
Categories: Uncategorized.

(This is gonna be a short blog, unlike my other ones; it’s just to give closure, basically.) So here it is, the last full day of WJMC. I’ve been deprived from sleep for 4 days and I have a seriously intense cramp in my right calf muscle. Despite the inhumane schedule (lol) I’ve actually had a good time though, and met some amazing people. I learned so much about journalism and have become considerably more media savvy in the process. I think my enjoyment of this program was mainly because I lucked out in a lot of ways. I had the greatest group ever–group 7!!! (lightning/thunder or whatever our name is). I also had the greatest group advisor–T Py!!! I had awesome roommates and I feel really blessed because I could’ve had a suckish time with a bunch of weirdos and losers, but I think most people will agree that this was a fun experience and we got to explore parts of ourselves that we’ve never known before. But like the panel guy said today, we all rock at life and will continue to do that in all our hometowns across the country. Because of our collective awesomeness, I feel grateful for attending the WJMC.

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