
Posted on August 23, 2010 by london bridges.
Categories: Uncategorized.

Wow…it’s been a while….I’m actually happy though, because I found this blog again. I’ve thought about attempting to continue this thing, but now I’m back, and maybe this blog’s name should be changed, because I’m not attempting continuity anymore, I’m accomplishing it. It may have taken me a year and some change, but sometimes time needs to pass to put us in the place we need to be to do what needs to be done. I’ve learned that I can’t be afraid of waiting, afraid of throwing situations into the air like a coin toss because I’m afraid I might land “tails”. As long as my head is to the sky, then i’m landing on my feet, and I’ll put one foot in front of the other, while the chips fall where they may. We often bend over backwards to control people and situations because we don’t have faith in the universe. We think that God and the entire cosmos are out to get us. We live in constant paranoia of some long forgotten karmic debt that must be paid by experiencing the worst possible scenarios throughout our lives. We don’t realize that the universe isn’t against us, and it’s not for us either, for that matter. It simply is. We can either follow its flow or we can resist it. (I’ll elaborate on this further in my next post. I really need to get back on topic :/) If you want to have power, if you want to be happy,  if you want to own your soul, you have to let go. You have to trust yourself and the universe, and be fully engrossed in the present moment…Anyways, enough of this stuff. On to the topic, “death.burial.resurrection”. A lot of me has died in this past year, most of which, I don’t want back and I’d rather forget, but on a lighter note, a considerably cooler person has definitely emerged from the ashes of an examined life. Ironically enough, I’m wearing my limited edition “Grateful Dead” converse sneakers. I guess it fits in with the context seeing as how I am gratefully dead to the past (even though it occasionally haunts like a phantom; but at least it doesnt steal away my present, like a thief on christmas eve :D). But all Fall Out Boy-esque puns aside, this blog has a lot of meaning for me. I have a lot of profound crap floating around in my head, and I’ve been searching for an outlet for my self-help psychobabble and general musings on the dramas of life. I just needed somewhere I could go all “Dr. Phil” and at the same time spew out whatever other craziness I wanted to without censorship…and then, I found the blog again!! Ding ding ding!!! Resurrected fun may now resume. 🙂